RaptorPlate® has been proven to greatly improve the wear performance of equipment in oilsands, coal mines, hard rock mines, and quarries or anywhere abrasion is present. It consists of a layer of Chrome Carbides in an austenitic iron matrix of thicknesses overlaid by a proprietary process. This metallurgy results in an extremely high wearing plate with the ability to withstand moderate impact as seen in many applications. Carbide sizing and distribution are controlled to ensure the highest possible wear characteristics of any chrome carbide product on the market.
RaptorPlate® is easily shaped and cut and can be cold formed to a 15” diameter. Preferably, RaptorPlate® is formed with the Chrome Carbide on the inside diameter of the bend, but the Chrome Carbide can be on the outside diameter if needed. When combined with Raptor Laser Scanning services, RaptorPlate® wear kits can be designed and engineered to ensure a perfect fit for your equipment.
Some applications include:
• Wheel loaders
• Grader Blades
• Hydraulic Excavators
• Hydraulic Mining Shovels
• Drag Lines
• Electric Rope Shovels
• Truck boxes
Get in touch with our team at raptor@raptormining.com for a quote!